Information about Finnish state-level lobbying disclosed for the first time

The first disclosures of lobbying activites carried out between 1 April and 30 June have been submitted to the Finnish Transparency Register. The disclosures contain information about the lobbying subjects and methods of communication targeting the Finnish Parliament and the government ministries.

The period for submitting disclosures of lobbying activities carried out between 1 July and 31 December begins
Last day to submit a disclosure of lobbying activities carried out between 1 July and 31 December

registered organisations

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Ensimmäinen ilmoituskausi lähestyy loppua – eniten ovat mietityttäneet tapaamisten kirjaaminen sekä yhteydenottojen laskeminen

Suomen avoimuusrekisterin ensimmäinen ilmoituskausi alkoi 1.7. ja päättyy 31.8. Sen aikana rekisteröityneiden on ilmoitettava vaikuttamistoiminnastaan.


Finnish Transparency Register users must pay attention to data protection when documenting their lobbying activities

Under the Transparency Register Act, actors subject to the disclosure obligation must keep details of their lobbying activities in their systems. It is important to take care of data protection as reg...

Kuva avoimuusrekisterin teltasta SuomiAreenassa. Isoimmalla teksti Vastuullista vaikuttamistoimintaa

Transparency Register in SuomiAreena – frequently asked questions

Transparency Register took part in the SuomiAreena in Pori on 25 and 26 June 2024. In our tent at Kansalaistori, we provided information on lobbyists’ responsibilities and the use of the Transparency ...


Good lobbying practice

The recommendations for good lobbying practice promotes a good lobbying culture. Get to know the recommendations and see the list of organisations that have committed to them.

Questions and answers

Do you have any questions about the Finnish Transparency Register? Check if they are already answered in the Q&A section.


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